Here it is September and we are moving into one of my favorite times of year. i love the cooler temperatures. The festivities, etc.
Things have been changing around here. Domina's youngest son(11) decided he wants to live with his father. That has caused some drama and heartbreak. In that household he has several brothers and sisters. Here in the neighborhood there just isn't anyone his age to play with.
Domina's oldest son(28) is trying to get moved up here. Domina thinks he will be with U/us in December.
With the changes W/we are moving rooms around again. Domina's craft room is moving out of the garage and down in O/our finished basement along with the playroom. The old playroom is becoming a bedroom again.
Domina has been up and down with Her submissive boyfriend bear. Things have been fine when he is over here and sometimes after leaving to go back home i guess miscommunication over emails, texts, etc has caused some tension. It looks like things are stable right now.
When bear is over here it is pretty much a given that bear sleeps with Domina and i sleep in the living room on the futon. O/our roles seem to be more and more in place.
my hair is getting longer and longer. i colored it 'lightest natural blonde' the other day. Domina and i both like it alot :). i continue taking my herbs and doing my daily massages on my breasts. They are definitely growing. Its funny but looking down they definitely seem bigger than looking straight at me in the mirror :)
A couple weekends ago bear was over. Domina told me to come up and play. i did. She was playing with bear at first and then called me over. he was begging Her to suck my clitty. he did and after awhile i did cum and so hard!. i seem to last longer now. Probably due to my new meds i've been on. Talk about the meds. These were really something to get used to. At first i had some nausea, apathy, drowsiness but now i feel fine and don't feel so obsessive and anxious. Domina and i haven't had any fights or arguments since ive been on them. yaaaay!
hmmm i cant think of anything else right now.