Thursday, June 12, 2008

Yesterday Shopping

Yesterday morning i got up and remembered i was wearing my bra with forms. i really love that along with seeing that all my nails are painted pink. i got on the computer, read emails, surfed, etc. i later checked showered, put on my eyeliner, mascara and lipstick. i checked the mail and drove to the bank.

i then went to Super Walmart and did some shopping. Domina told me i could buy some Lady's sandals like Hers. i love them, so comfortable!. Domina called and asked if i had gone to the Thrift store yet. i said i hadn't She said that She would probably meet me there. i made my purchases and drove across town to the Thrift Store. Domina called again and W/we talked about the playroom. She wanted to play with leopet and myself as a kind of a christening before She had others play there. Then Domina's car appeared. W/we went in and shopped. It was so much fun shopping with Her. W/we found some things for Her and for me. i ended up getting some girls athletic shorts that fit like a skirt, a pretty lacey pink blouse, another shoulder sleeve pink blouse, girls fatique type shorts, a denim purse and a closet shoe holder.

i then went to McDonalds for lunch. A group of teenagers came in. They kept looking at me. The boys were snickering from time to time. i just sat and enjoyed lunch with the newspaper.

i drove home and washed all O/our new things. i showed Domina the new purse. She thought it would work for a male or female.

Later i grilled some mesquite chicken breasts and cooked baked potatoes. W/we watched Stargate Atlantis.

sissy girl

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