Its been a very nice week. The weather has been nice and the temperature has been in the 70s and 80s.
Last weekend Domina's boyfriend or as She calls him Her husband bear was over on Saturday and Sunday and stayed for both nights. i thought it was interesting that i didn't think to sleep with Domina in Her bed since bear is Her man and as She calls him, the "man of the house". Unless i have something important to tell Domina, i don't interrupt T/them. If i have something i knock on Her bedroom door and ask permission to come in.
On Wednesday bear came over in the afternoon just after Domina came home from work. She was taking a shower and W/we were having girl talk. i was feeling irritable since the night before after having some trouble setting up my phone. i opened the door of the bathroom to go get Domina a towel and there was bear all naked and getting into D
omina's bed. i was finishing up getting ready while Domina got in bed with him. She had said earlier that T/they were going to "suck and fuck". i repeated, "Domina, Your going to fuck and suck?" She then that T/they might not suck lol. Earlier that day Domina said loving Mistress was out. i curtsied and told them to have fun. i've thought of saying, "Do what i wouldn't do" lol i don't know how that would come out.
Wednesday night Domina and i was re-watching the last episode of 'True Blood'. While W/we were watching it laying on the futon in front of the wide-screen Domina slapped at my crotch. i was tucked so i thought Domina wanted to see if i was. After a couple minutes i asked Domina if She wanted to play with my clitty. She said yes and to untuck myself. i did and pulled my denim shorts down and then my panties. She then played with me for awhile. It felt
sooooo good. Its been awhile since She has. The last several times i've been touched it was by Her boyfriend. Interestingly enough the next day She told him She played with me. he said he couldn't understand why She did that because he thought T/they were cucking me together. She told me She will play with Her toy when and where She wants to.
i colored my hair medium natural blond early in the week. It is much darker than the last time i colored it. Domina said She really didn't like that color on me so i am going to color it lighter blond next week.
my breasts are coming along. i have been taking the herbs fenugreek, red clover, saw palmetto, L-Lysine (amino acids) regularly. i've also been drinking a tea called Bustea from the Flat 2 Fem program consisting of fenugreek, anise, licorice root, caraway seed, and fennel seed. i boil it for several minutes in a couple cups of water and flavor it with lemon juice and sweeten with sugar. It has a kind of odd taste but isn't bad. Its supposed to help supplement the herbs. teeehee! Looking at me straight on one can see bulges. i can
especially see my breasts looking down. i wear a bra all the time now.
i can't imagine going out and about pretending i'm a guy now. i would feel too uncomfortable and too plain really. Its funny though because i do have that paranoia thinking everyone is reading me but i know they all aren't. Domina tells me that i look and act very fem. She tells me that i glide when i walk. The only thing that would make people think is my 6'1" height. Domina is so wonderful. i feel more confident going out and about as a girl :)
i got up this morning when Domina came into Her bedroom taking Her first break from work. i got up and freshened my mouth and went downstairs and made coffee. i then took a glass of water into the office and took my herbs and read email. When coffee was ready i went in and grabbed a cup and put a teaspoon of raw sugar into it. i grabbed a breakfast bar.
Domina soon left for work and so i started my breast massage regimen. i then thought to wash Her bed sheets. i put them in the wash and hung up the dryer load.
i resumed reading email. Soon i took a shower and got pretty. i used blackest black eyeliner today and put first my all day red lip stain. i let it dry and then put my pink on. i like the tone. i then put on the gloss.
Today i wore short female denim shorts, my grey striped tank top and sandals.
While i was putting Her deep red sheets on Her bed Domina arrived. i finished what i had done
and greeted Domina with a kiss. bear arrived. What a surprise! i didn't know he was coming today. i thought tomorrow. i greeted him too.
Domina wanted me to take the yard cart to Her car to bring in some soil and flowers She had bought. i took it up and unloaded it and took it to the right spot in the back yard.
i then left and shopped at Big Lot, the thrift store and the grocery store. i couldn't find anything at the thrift store. i was looking for some casual shoes and the ever elusive 38A bra! i then went to the grocery store where i got some peppers and zucchini for tomorrows grill
i returned home and picked up O/our cat and took him out to a vet across town to get Her monthly allergy shot.
i left her at the vet and went down to the thrift store there and found a couple of wonderful sandals, a rainbow woven leather belt but no bras.
i then returned home. i greeted Domina and bear and showed T/them the treasures i found at the thrift store. i then told Domina, "i feel like putting my bikini on" She couldn't remember the bikini i picked up at the thrift store some months ago. i went upstairs to Her bedroom and put it on and made sure i tucked good. i came downstairs and showed it to Domina. She really liked it :)

leo had bought hamburger to grill so he made them up and i grilled t
he he
ated up the french fr
When supper was ready i made Do
mina Her hamburgers, fries and wine. i brought it down to Her. W/we then watched a comedy.
At the end of it Domina told bear "Its was time for bed." She turned to me and said, "W/we are going to bed. i said yes Domina. She then told me to give Her a kiss. i asked Her if i could follow Her to bed. i did. i washed the makeup off my face with St Ive's. Domina and bear got in bed naked together and pulled the sheets up. Domina told me "Good night girly girl". i asked Her if i could kiss Her. She said yes. i came up to Her and kissed Her. She told me T/they were just going to sleep.
i said, "Yes Domina" and curtsied and left Her room. i closed the door to give Domina privacy with Her boyfriend.
i cleaned up the kitchen
i went to the office. Took off my bikini top and started my massage :)
Tomorrow all i know is that W/we are grilling veggies and other things.
i guess Domina and bear have a surprise for me tomorrow night teeehee!
One thing., Domina mentioned that its a week from Saturday that She is flying out to Colorado to spend the week with bear on one of his adventures. i'm really excited for Her and on the cuckold side of things. This is the longest time She will be out with someone else.